Top 3 Riversport Adventures in the Pyrenees
Riversports adventures in Pyrenees

Are you as excited about reaching the Spring Equinox and the possibility of all those summer adventures as we are? Here in the Pyrenees, it’s a special occasion as a new chapter begins. At the end of March, the ski resorts are thinking about closing and the skis get packed away for another year. It’s now time for riversport adventures in the mountains of the Pyrenees.

River rafting adventures in the Pyrenees

With the warmer springtime temperatures, the rivers that flow down from the high mountains become swollen with snowmelt. It’s no surprise then that the rivers of the Pyrenees are a mecca for the riversports enthusiast with a fantastic variety of fun-filled sports to choose from.

Choose river rafting on your stag do adventure weekend

Choose river rafting as part of a multi activity holiday in the Pyrenees and come and enjoy some riversports fun with the family!

The rafts, kayaks and canoes are brought out of winter storage ready to welcome the watersports lover who is in search of that early season adrenalin fix.

River rafting is naturally one of the most popular sports in the mountains of the Pyrenees.

One of the major rivers on which you can go rafting is the mighty river Garonne.

This river which flows into the sea on the west coast of France at Bordeaux, has its source on the slopes of Pic Aneto, the highest of all of the Pyrenean peaks.

It’s not only snowmelt but also timed water releases from hydroelRiversports adventures in the Aran valleyectric facilities further up-river that swell the river levels here.

The main base for riversport adventures on the Garonne river has been carefully chosen along the Aran valley in Spain to take full advantage of both the power of nature and man’s intervention.

It’s a stunning valley and a spectacular backdrop for riversport adventures of all sorts.

Let’s not forget also the tapas and sangria that is part and parcel of any trip across the border!

Riverboarding adventures in the Pyrenees

Strictly the reserve of strong, confident and experienced swimmers, riverboarding is one of the most popular sports on our multi activity holidays and one of the more extreme riversport adventures you can enjoy on the rivers of the Pyrenees. Hydrospeed riversport adventure

Riverboarding is known as hydrospeed in France and involves lying face down on a board which is fitted only with two handles at the front.

The flippers on your feet along with shifts in your bodyweight help you to steer your course down the river.

Hold on tight as you negotiate rapids and swells. Trust your upper body and core strength to hold out until you reach calmer waters.

If strength fails you, no panic, the accompanying raft will scoop you up and pull you to safety!

Riverboarding is perfectly suited to sporting enthusiasts such as surf life savers as it’s a fantastic alternative watersport adventure.

River canyoning adventures in the Pyrenees

The gorges that have been carved out by the fast flowing rivers as they descend from the high mountains of the Pyrenees are another riversports adventure playground altogether. River canyoning is one of the most popular sports on our multi activity holidays that run from April to OctoberCanyoning riversport adventure

In the springtime the rivers become a thrilling environment for the confident swimmer.

You’ll jump from the top of waterfalls and slide down natural toboggans into deep pools of clear mountain water, protected from the cold by a welcome top to toe insulating drysuit.

Using rock climbing techniques such as abseiling, you’ll negotiate the fast-flowing river course in the company of your experienced canyoning guide.

You’ll be so busy concentrating on the canyoning activity that you probably won’t have  time to look around and appreciate the spectacular mountain environment. With the springtime snowmelt, canyoning is an absorbing riversport adventure that will require all of your concentration. It’s an immensely satisfying riversport which any enthusiastic waterlover should try at least once.

Our top 3 riversports adventures can all be experienced on our thrilling Riversports Adventure Holiday which we’re running on demand from April to August. They are also all available on our multi activity holidays. Are you up for the challenge?


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Top Pyrenees riversports adventures



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